6月18日,2011年法国PX3摄影奖(Prix de le Photographie Paris)评选结果揭晓,中国摄影师陈强的系列作品《奔跑的羊》(Running Sheep)获得2011年度PX3摄影奖专业组艺术类铜奖。今年共有来自85个国家的数千名摄影师参加了该项赛事。陈强的获奖作品《奔跑的羊》五幅作品选自于摄影师今年拍摄于甘南藏区《跑动的羊》系列。
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WINNER OF PX3, Prix de la Photographie Paris
qiang chen of China was Awarded Bronze in the PX3 2011 Competition.
Paris, France
Prix de la Photographie Paris (Px3) announces winners of PX3 2011 competition.
qiang chen of China was Awarded: Bronze in category Fine Art for the entry entitled, " Running sheep ." The jury selected PX3 2011’s winners from thousands of photography entries from over 85 countries.
Px3 is juried by top international decision-makers in the photography industry: Carol Johnson, Curator of Photography of Library of Congress, Washington D.C.; Gilles Raynaldy, Director of Purpose, Paris; Viviene Esders, Expert près la Cour d'Appel de Paris; Mark Heflin, Director of American Illustration + American Photography, New York; Sara Rumens, Lifestyle Photo Editor of Grazia Magazine, London; Fran oise Paviot, Director of Galerie Fran oise Paviot, Paris; Chrisitine Ollier, Art Director of Filles du Calvaire, Paris; Natalie Johnson, Features Editor of Digital Photographer Magazine, London; Natalie Belayche, Director of Visual Delight, Paris; Kenan Aktulun, VP/Creative Director of Digitas, New York; Chiara Mariani, Photo Editor of Corriere della Sera Magazine, Italy; Arnaud Adida, Director of Acte 2 Gallery/Agency, Paris; Jeannette Mariani, Director of 13 Sévigné Gallery, Paris; Bernard Utudjian, Director of Galerie Polaris, Paris; Agnès Voltz, Director of Chambre Avec Vues, Paris; and Alice Gabriner, World Picture Editor of Time Magazine, New York.
The "Prix de la Photographie Paris" (Px3) strives to promote the appreciation of photography, to discover emerging talent, and introduce photographers from around the world to the artistic community of Paris. Winning photographs from this competition are exhibited in a high-profile gallery in Paris and published in the high-quality, full-color Px3 Annual Book.
文章来源:798艺术网 www.798space.cn 原文链接:http://www.798space.cn/news/4703.html