对未来永远充满好奇、兴奋、未知感……stay hungry, stay foolish。 Always being curious and excited about the unknown future…stay hungry, stay foolish. 艺术家、策展人、客座教授、博士、高管、辣妈、爱人……李捷的角色时刻发生着变化。 Artist, curator, guest-professor,PHD, manager, mom, wife…Dr. Jie Li-Elbrächter's role is always changing. 当然,你会觉得她是一个不折不扣的“人生赢家”,但是当你听完她的经历之后,也许你会惊呼Fantastic and amazing,然后是一个温暖的拥抱。你会感受到在她热情洋溢的笑脸上,有一个独立并永远怀有理想李捷在,因为这是属于她自己的独一无二。 She might be considered to be a truly “winner in life”. And when you are listening to her story, you will exclaim “Fantastic and amazing” and give her the warmest embrace. Her independence and idealism might be presented on the smiling face, and that is the reason why she is unique. “6-13岁的国画熏陶对我之后的艺术表达和思维方式都有很大的影响。如果没有那些年对中国画和中国文化的痴迷,可能现在更无法发现自己的身份认同。”李捷说。就从当初画的一幅大公鸡开始,让幼时的她逐渐在骨子里沉淀出一份中国“韵味”和背后所隐含的力量。 “From 6 to 13 years old, the education on traditional Chinese art had posed a great influence on my artistic expression habits and way of thinking. Without being obsessed with Chinese painting and Chinese culture in those years, I may not be able to find my cultural identity later”, said Dr.Li-Elbrächter. The starting point of her painting career was a cock when she was a child. Ever since then, the Chinese “flavor” and implied power behind it has prevailed in her life and rooted in her heart. 艺术的力量往往神秘而伟大。13岁李捷坚定的离开家成为了“北漂”,因为想去考央美附中。“那一年算是我生命中转折最大的一年。租100块钱一个月的四合院棚子,四壁漏风,生病就会想家,去酒吧街画速写。”不知道当时哪来这么大勇气,太艰难但还好没有放弃。经过困难和低谷,高考时李捷成为中央美院壁画系和中国美院油画系入学考试的第一名。李捷选择了央美,她说这是“依恋”,北漂者的孤独、隔绝但仍心存希望似乎是每一代北漂者抹不去的影子。 The power and influence posed by art is often mysterious and great. 13-year-old Dr. Li-Elbrächter left home with strong belief. She decided to become a “Beijing Drifter”, which might bring her closer to her dream of entering the Fine Arts School Affiliated to Chinese Central Academy of Fine Arts. “It was the greatest turning point in my life in terms of my choice of being a Beijing Drifter. I lived in a traditional Chinese Si he yuan with leaking walls with the rent was only 100 RMB per month. once I got fever, what stroke me most was not illness but homesickness. I sometimes needed to draw sketches on the bar street to make money for food and basic life. Now, I am still not sure about where the powerful courage came from at that hard time. What I have to be thankful now is the persistence and courage that encouraged me to hold on in those difficult times.” Survived from difficulties and slumps, she ranked as the Top 1 in entrance examination to Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing and China Academy of Art in Hangzhou. She chose the first college in Beijing, which was “a long-cherished dream” of her. Being lonely and isolated, one still holds hope in the deepest heart—that is the most concise portrayal for "Beijing Drifters". 2002年李捷去了德国,为了一个艺术梦。但是现实依旧有差距,当地的文化和艺术依旧让李捷一头雾水,自己的想法与老师同学无法沟通,甚至会吵架,李捷失落了。“我那个时候就打电话给我妈说,不念了,我当不了艺术家,根本不知道什么是艺术。”妈妈就回了一句话:如果你去了就觉得什么都好,没什么可学的,还去德国干嘛!这句话很受用,每当李捷遇到困难的时候,妈妈的这句至理名言就会“突的一下”蹦出来,想尽办法去搞定。 In order to pursue her artistic dream, Dr.Li-Elbächter went to Germany in 2002. However, the distance between dream and reality still existed. The totally different local cultural and art environment confused her. And she sometimes needed to debate with professors and classmates when they could not convince each other in different art world. Faced with the misunderstanding and disputations, she felt lost. “once I made a phone call with my mom and told her that I wanted to quit. I thought that I was not qualified as an artist and did not know what art really was.” Her mother just replied that if she found everything was good and smooth that was same as things in Beijing, then it was of no sense to go to Germany! Mother’s words posed great influence on her for a long time whenever she was faced difficulties and troubles. “后来我去了法国一年,日内瓦两年,伦敦一年。在日内瓦的时候,因为生活太艰难,决定从日内瓦骑单车到米兰。”身上带了10欧,两个苹果和两板巧克力的李捷就上路了。“出了瑞士境内就看到貌似黑手党的人,晚上都睡在火车站长椅上,到了米兰就被明抢,没能骑到佛罗伦萨,掉头回日内瓦了。”这段惊心动魄的经历让李捷由衷感到“高价日内瓦生活”的美好。 “Later, I went to France for one year, two years in Geneva, and one year in London.In Geneva, life is too difficult, so I decided to went to Milan from Geneva by cycling.” She set out with just 10 euro, two apples and two bars of chocolate. She even needed to sleep on the bench in train station overnight. The soul-stirring experience makes her aware of the wonderfulness of the "expensive Geneva life".